The years of gardening and designing have given me the experience and sensitivity to allow me to create beautiful, meaningful, and very productive gardens that feed people - body and spirit - treating the garden as an essential aspect of living a full and meaningful life.

Portrait of Lonna Lopez, Halo Garden Design

Hi, I’m Lonna.

My grandpa taught me that plants were a way to connect with each other, to beauty, and to our roots.

I’ve had a connection to plants since I was little and sometimes I dream about the flowers that were in the garden around my house. Their coming and going created a way to track the time of year, and I would commune with them daily. 

Now as an adult, I have a deeper connection with plants, especially the edible ones and ones that remind me of my family history.  I believe that our wellness comes from our connection to our land, ecosystem, and the soil.

I have 20 years of gardening and design experience …

Which includes container and rooftop gardening and design in NYC, floral and interior plant design in the Bay Area as part-owner of Crimson Horticultural Rarities, and edible garden design, fine gardening/maintenance, and beekeeping as staff designer, gardener, florist and beekeeper at Pine House Edible Gardens. I have also been a part of designing some of the Black Sanctuary Gardens. Now based in the PNW, I am offering integrated ornamental and edible landscape design, interior plant and floral design, and teaching/coaching in the surrounding areas.

Lonna Lopez arranging flowers.

Halo Garden Design is a culmination of that experience.

With a focus on integrated edible landscape design with fun things like growing cutting flowers, beekeeping and pollinator gardens mixed in.  Also, floral arranging and workshops for individuals or groups.

Let’s Work Together.